I'd Like to Serve!

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New City Kids

New City Kids labors alongside parents and guardians to disciple children upto and including grade 5.
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New City Youth

New City Youth exists to disciple the youth in our church and city.
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The Connections Ministry exists to extend gospel hospitality to all who enter New City, helping them to move from attenders to fully devoted and actively serving members of the church.
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Worship & the Arts

The Worship & the Arts ministry facilitates the honoring of Christ through liturgy, music, arts, prayer, and the sacraments.
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New City Tech

New City Tech facilitates worship and discipleship through the use of technology.
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TELL ("Talking with English Language Learners")

TELL exists to bring the whole gospel to newcomers in Hamilton through ESL programs and friendships.
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Care Team

The New City Care Team exists to bring whole gospel to Hamilton until Hamilton is whole by meeting felt needs with practical deeds both within the New City Church family and our broader community.
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The New City Building team exists to promote gospel discipleship through the maintenance, upkeep, and repairs of the physical building.
Please select all that apply.


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